The Secrets Of Successful Students

No matter what students may say, they all want to be successful in college. They’ve worked very hard to get to the college of their dreams. it would be irresponsible to spend all those efforts in vain and fail at studies. The pace of life changes dramatically during the first year in college and some students can’t get used to it. This is for the first time when you are completely responsible for your actions. There are no parents or teachers to control your actions and you have to learn to manage your time effectively. And some students seem to have no problem adapting to the new schedule. What are their secrets? Let’s find out.

The Secrets Of Successful Students

Don’t make your anxiety spoil your day.

You’ll notice that you’ll be nervous almost all the time during the first year of your college life. You’ll be afraid to make a wrong first impression or make a fool of yourself in some way. You need to understand that it’s you inner insecurity that makes you worry so much. Even if something unpleasant happens, you’ll find a way to fix it. Breath deep and meditate in the morning if you can.

Forget that you are an introvert for a while.

It is not only about the communication skills improvement you’ll miss. There are also a lot of learning opportunities you’ll lose by being a loner. Studying in groups is exciting and helpful for your personal development.

Don’t be afraid of asking questions and contact your professors.

There are hundreds of students a professor sees each year and, naturally, most of them remain to be just another face in the audience for them. Don’t repeat this mistake and get to know your professors. It is time to fight the fear of approaching people and turn the situation to your advantage.

Find the ways to make studying less boring.

There are classes you wish you didn’t have to attend. But as long as they are a part of your program, you have to find the way of making them less annoying. Look for the appropriate way of motivation and turn the studying process into a game. For example, for every chapter you read you can get a prize – a candy or night out with friends.

Learn to get up after falling down.

the most common mistake of all the students is giving up too early. They think that having failed once, there is no point in trying to succeed again. There are no obstacles you can’t overcome.

Attend classes.

This is an obvious thing but a lot of students fail to follow this simple rule. Attending lectures gives you a possibility to ask questions and get the material that is not in your study books. This material can easily appear in some of your exams and reduce your grade. The attendance itself also has an impact on your grade so don’t make things worse by staying at the campus watching your favorite TV series.

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About Pier Wallace

Pier Wallace is an academic writer and essayist, freelance blogger and editor, fond of indie music, reading Dostoevsky and snowboarding. Currently at


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