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How to place an order

  • Choose the number of pages, your academic level, and deadline
  • Push the orange button
  • Give instructions for your paper
  • Pay for your order in a few clicks
  • Track the progress of your order
  • Approve and enjoy your custom paper

What you get for the price

  1. 500+ writers ready to help

    We have a specialist to cover all kinds of topics for you.

  2. Long and short deadlines

    From 4 hours to 14 days, you can choose any deadline you like.

  3. Free revisions

    Ask us to edit your paper for free to make it meet all of your instructions.

  4. 24/7 customer support

    Our assistants can answer your questions round the clock.

features picture

Top-quality papers guaranteed

100% original papers

We sell only unique pieces of writing completed according to your demands.

Confidential service

We use security encryption to keep your personal data protected.

Money-back guarantee

We can give your money back if something goes wrong with your order.

Frequently asked questions

  • Do you write papers for money?

    Yes. We have been working within the academic writing market since 2013. Although we have some free options to help students, our main course of business is writing papers for money. We offer academic assistance by providing excellent manuals on the structure, style, and formatting for your own papers. We complete each order from scratch according to the customer’s instructions, and this makes our papers perfect examples for your own writing. This also makes our help completely legal, though you can use the papers you get from us in any way you like.

  • How much will my paper cost if I order it from you?

    Since we have been in the business for more than 10 years, we have vast experience, which helps us maintain the best price/quality ratio. We know how to minimize our expenses and to make the best offer on the market.

    The price of your paper will depend on three main characteristics of your order: the number of pages you need, the time you have, and your academic level.

    You can also be charged an extra fee equal to 20% of the initial price of your paper if the discipline you choose is considered complex. As a rule, these are subjects that only narrow-field specialists can write on, like architecture, engineering, and IT.

  • How can I decrease the price of my paper?

    We made the prices as cheap as possible from our side. From your side, you can reduce them by ordering beforehand, as the wider the time frame, the cheaper the paper. Submit an order immediately as soon as you understand you won’t be able to complete the assignment on your own.

    You can also separate your paper into several parts and order the one you dislike more. For example, ask for the theoretical part of your math homework if you prefer numbers to letters, or order the difficult part of your paper while completing the easier parts by yourself.

  • Do you have some services I can use for free?

    Yes, as an academic assistance company, we offer our clients some free services.

    • Our in-house plagiarism-detection software will check up to 5 pages of your text for similarities and coincidences with texts from open Internet sources.
    • Our bibliography generator will help you complete the most fastidious and demanding part of your paper, which is the “works cited,” according to the formatting style of your educational institution. Along with popular styles like APA, ASA, MLA, and Chicago, there are also more than 100 less common formatting styles you might find useful.
    • Our words-to-pages converter will show you the number of words you have to write to fill in one page of a certain line spacing, font, and font size.
  • Can I choose a writer for my paper by myself?

    There are several ways you can choose an expert from us by yourself. We divide our specialists who write college papers for money into three categories.

    • “Best available” is our default category of writers. They are carefully hired throughout the world and selected to match our high standards. They’ve passed strict tests to show that they are worthy of working with us. They got training on the peculiarities of different types of academic writing, and on various formatting styles. They got mentors’ help as newcomers and are ready to complete any type of paper you need.
    • “Advanced” is our paid option. A writer from this category will cost you an additional fee equal to 25% of the initial price of your paper. These are writers with vast experience and who have received excellent feedback from previous customers.
    • “ENL” are our native speakers. A professional writer for whom English is a mother tongue will cost you an additional fee equal to 30% of the initial price of your paper. If you need your paper to be written in perfect and refined English, choose the “ENL” category.

    If you want to make sure we’ve assigned the most appropriate expert to you among the category you’ve chosen, order samples by the writer. These are 3 random pages from the papers previously completed by this expert. Read them to examine the writing style of the specialist we offer to you. If you think our choice isn’t the best one, you have two hours after you’ve received the samples to apply for another writer.

  • Are there any other options I can buy to make my paper better?

    Yes, there are two more options that can transform your paper into a comprehensive manual on the topic you need.

    • Order copies of sources our writer has used while working on your paper to get a better understanding of the subject. These are books and articles from academic journals on your topic. They are especially useful if you have to discuss your paper with your teacher apart from turning in the written version.
    • Choose the progressive delivery option if your paper is more than 30 pages long and your deadline is no less than 5 days. With this option, you will get your assignment part by part and can pay for it in installments. By receiving your large paper in parts, you increase the control over your writer and can guide him or her more thoroughly.

    It is such a pity when a discrepancy between you and the writer at the beginning of the paper forces you to make a revision of the whole work! To avoid this situation, order a progressive delivery and control the correspondence of your paper to your instructions from the very beginning.

  • Is your service confidential?

    First of all, it is almost anonymous, as the only information we need from you is your email. Also, we store your email according to the strictest international rules of personal data protection. We never give it to third parties and we don’t use your information with malicious intent or spam you.

    We work with reliable payment systems like Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. So, you can be sure your bank details will be secure as well and that no instance of fraud will happen.

  • Can you guarantee me the authenticity of my paper?

    We write each paper from scratch using your instructions as guidelines. We don’t use pre-written papers and we don’t store works completed by our experts in an essay bank. This is why we are sure each paper you get from us is unique.

    We also give a no-plagiarism guarantee by checking papers with our in-house plagiarism-detection software. This helps us to exclude cases of improper citation formatting and to detect dishonest writers. By double-checking your paper before the delivery, we make sure you get a product of the highest quality.

  • What if I don’t like the paper I get from you?

    For this case, we have two algorithms of actions. If you think there should be some amendments made to your paper, apply for a free revision. If you think there is some misunderstanding between you and your writer, you can ask our support team to assign another writer to work on the revision of your paper. You can require as many revisions as you think are necessary within 14 days after the paper has been delivered to you. After this period, your order will be approved automatically.

    If there are serious discrepancies between what you expected and what you get even after all the revisions, you can apply for a refund.

  • How does your money-back guarantee work?

    To make you feel safe and secure, we’ve created a coherent and transparent satisfaction-or-money-back-guarantee. Along with the obvious refund in case of mistakes you can make while paying, our failure to find you the appropriate writer or to fulfill an additional service you’ve paid for, we also offer you a reimbursement if you don’t like your paper.

    If you are not satisfied with the service we provide, our dispute resolution department will examine your claim and will calculate your refund rate, which can reach up to 100%.

  • Are there some cases when you can reject my order?

    Sometimes it may happen. First of all, we don’t complete papers with overly practical topics. For example, we won’t write for you on how to make an invasive operation, or how to make a nuclear bomb. We also avoid very controversial topics. Read our social responsibility page to check out all the topics we stay away from.

    It is also possible that your discipline is so narrow, and your time frame is so short that we can’t find you an appropriate writer quickly.

    In both of these cases, if you’ve already made a payment for your order, we will send your money back as soon as possible. You can make sure if we will accept your order by submitting a free inquiry. Fill in this form with the details about your paper so we can check them and start searching for your writer. In this case, you will have to pay only when we will be 100% sure that we will complete your order.

  • What if I still have questions about your service?

    You’re always welcome to ask them to our support team members. They are available from Monday until Saturday by phone at 1-866-258-3698 and by live chat. You can also send us an email at whenever you like.

Discover what your assignment may look like with our help.

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