You will find that our prices are lower and the quality is consistently high!
Order nowWe have a specialist to cover all kinds of topics for you.
From 4 hours to 14 days, you can choose any deadline you like.
Ask us to edit your paper for free to make it meet all of your instructions.
Our assistants can answer your questions round the clock.
We sell only unique pieces of writing completed according to your demands.
We use security encryption to keep your personal data protected.
We can give your money back if something goes wrong with your order.
Before you complete the order form, you communicate only with the support team. When you submit the order and we can see all the requirements for the paper, we can start searching for the perfect writer. We look for a person to assign your task to based on the discipline you requested, your academic level, and the topic. When the support team finds a match, and the writer starts to work on your assignment, you can text him or her directly with any questions or clarifications through your personal order page. Besides, if there is something unclear, your writer will send you a message via our website and specify the issues.
All our papers are original and written from scratch. We do not have pre-written works. Every assignment you purchase on our website is completed according to your specific requirements regarding the number of pages, format, topic, discipline, and number of sources.
Our writers provide original works, and if they use supporting materials, they reference those appropriately and list them in the bibliography. In fact, it is also the reason why it is impossible to buy college term paper in several minutes: we need time to complete the necessary stages of academic writing. Finally, we check all the works for plagiarism before sending them to you, so we can be positive your work is authentic.
It depends on the details of the paper. We use only credible sources for papers and cite them in the academic style you need. We access those via research databases and libraries. However, if you need to use some literary works or media reports, we will take it into account and use those as primary sources. Nonetheless, our writers support all arguments with factual proof from reliable authors. You can check all of those at the end of your paper.
You determine the deadline in which you need your paper to be done. The shortest deadline we can handle is 8 hours. The deadline you set for the order includes the search for the writer by the support team, the time that your writer takes studying the sources for the paper, writing, formatting, proofreading, and checking for plagiarism.
However, it is important to remember that 8 hours is still quite short for a sizable assignment, so we recommend requesting papers of 5 or more pages in advance. In this case, your writer will have more time to prepare the information.
If you need to present your paper in front of an audience, we can help you with the speech or presentation slides to illustrate your research. We work with many different assignment types. Although essays and papers are the most popular ones, we can also help you with an admission letter, analysis, reviews, reflections, and much more. You just need to choose the corresponding type of work in the order form and explain how you want it to look.
When your paper is done, you will receive its preview version. You can look through it and check whether everything is in its right place and then approve it. If you notice anything wrong in the paper, you can request a revision straight away. However, if you have approved the paper and realized you want to change it later, it is still possible to implement changes in this work if it is less than 2 weeks after the approval. You can find the order to fix in your customer’s record or access it via your email. If the initial instructions were not followed, you can still get a free revision. However, if you want to change the instructions in the revision, you will need to request a major or a minor one for an additional fee, depending on the content of the paper you want to change.
We have three major categories of writers you can choose from. The “best available writer” is an expert specializing in the discipline of your choice. Our support team matches one of them with your order’s instructions. Then, we have “advanced writers.” They are narrow-field specialists in a particular discipline with a lot of experience. Finally, there are “ENL writers” from the United States and Canada.
Progressive delivery is an additional feature serving your convenience when you order a large paper. This option allows splitting your paper into parts, which you will receive at certain periods of time. You can get the work chapter by chapter or in an equal number of pages. With the progressive delivery feature, you can get the first parts of the paper earlier and start studying them, instead of waiting for the whole work to be delivered at once.
This service is not obligatory, but it will give you more time to prepare, read the work thoroughly, and suggest changes, if necessary.
If you receive the paper and realize you could write it better and revisions do not work for you, it is your right to claim your money back. All you need to do is contact a support team member and tell the reason you want to return your money. Your feedback is important to us because it helps us to improve our service. So, just explain why you think that your instructions were not followed, and we will solve it quickly. Learn more about our refund policy.
If you have your instructions in separate files, you can upload those instead of writing them manually. You can also upload sources of information or other materials necessary to complete the assignment. The more information you give the writer, the easier it will be for him or her to do his or her job well, and less of a chance for a revision. If the writer is already working on the paper, you can upload new files anyway, as it can help him or her. Nonetheless, make sure the new files do not change the initial instructions of the order.
Unfortunately, we do not provide these services. We aim to be a strong academic aid for our customers in their search for knowledge, which can sometimes be challenging but it is a necessary condition in obtaining a qualification or a degree. Our writers are happy to provide exemplary papers that simplify your learning process, yet we believe that students should take tests to demonstrate and assess their accomplishments adequately.
Besides, multiple-choice tests limit our opportunities in estimating the writer’s work because, despite requiring little writing, tests consume a lot of time and effort.
If it is a creative topic or you need to come up with it yourself, we can suggest ideas for possible topics for the paper. Nonetheless, we will need the maximum amount of information you can provide, such as the discipline, your perspective on the issue, and the problems that you have to enlighten readers on in the paper. It is also great if you can think of the topics not to write on to avoid confusion. If you have to complete an extensive work and you do not know the topic, the optimal option is to buy term paper proposal, in which we will suggest a topic and present research problems and questions. It will also demonstrate the topic for you, and you will have a plan, even if you want to complete the rest of the work yourself.
The list of the sources used in your custom paper will be at the end of the work. However, if you do not want to spend time searching and accessing those articles, you can add the digital sources option, and all the sources for your paper will be attached to your order. It is a convenient feature if you will continue studying the topic, as you can use this material in the future. Moreover, in the paper, you will have the exemplary citation of each attached source, which you can also employ for future use.
We have professional writers all over the world, so we can write a paper according to your specific requirements. If it is an important detail of your paper, it’s better to mention this issue in the order form, and the writer will adjust his or her style to the peculiarities of your order. Besides, you can use the writer’s samples feature, and check several random pages from his or her previous works, and decide whether it suits your expectations.
When you order your paper, you can use our additional services any time you need. Our free services include checking texts for plagiarism. Just paste the text in the box and see the originality report in a few minutes. Then, you can use our bibliography generator, which will cite sources for your paper in the format you need. Finally, our support team is available 24/7, and you do not need to pay for the inquiries you will make.